The Renzoku Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt Home Study Course wascreated in 1993 by John Cozatt. The course consists of 7 beltlevels on 7 DVD's to first degree Black Belt ( Shodan ). There are 70 basetechniques ( situational), as well as 1 or 2 throwing techniques per belt level.The material is discussed in English, however when Japanese terminology is used,the English translation is also used. There is also an Advanced Rank RJJ tapeavailable, it adds 15 additional techniques to your Jiu-Jitsu arsenal.
Renzoku combines traditional Japanese Ju-Jitsu with some of the more effectiveground fighting strategies made so popular by the Brazillians , you may flowfrom one technique to another , or part of another in a continuous motion. It isan excellent add on program for existing instructors, as well as those new tothe arts. Train and test from your own home or dojo, or call Shintai Ryu to testin person.
This guide shows you How To Learn Japanese Jiu Jitsu.Subscribe! Jujutsu methods include striking, throwing, restraining (pinning and strangling), joint locks, weaponry, and grappling. It is truly best known for its effectiveness against weapons, use of throws and its locks (armbars and wrist locks, for example). The Goal of Jujutsu The goal of jujutsu is simple.

Traditional Japanese Jiu-jitsu Techniques
So I continued on, and even wrote a 10 page essay on why I believed BJJ was an ineffective martial art. Then, in the early 2000’s, I began training traditional Japanese Jiu Jitsu. I really enjoyed the grappling aspect, and assumed (as many do) that it was as good, or better, than Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Shortly after earning a black belt in the. The art that came to be known as jujutsu originated in the sixteenth century in Japan as a fusion of battlefield techniques used in situations where weapons were ineffective or unavailable. Although the Chinese and Okinawan martial arts focused largely on striking, the development of jujutsu tended strongly to grappling, throwing, and joint locks.